2024牛客多校2I Red Playing Cards
There are \(2\cdot n\) cards arranged in a row, with each card numbered from \(1\) to \(n\) having exactly 2 copies.
Each time, Red can choose a subarray of consecutive cards (at least \(2\) cards) to remove from the deck. The chosen subarray must satisfy that the first and last cards have the same number. The score for this operation is: the number of cards multiplied by the number on the first card. Now Red wants to know what is the maximum value of the final score?
给你一个长度为 \(2n\) 的数组,\(1\) 到 $ n$ 每个数字恰好出现两次。你可以进行这样的操作:选择两个相同的数字 \(x\) (必须都还存在于数组中),将这两个数以及其间的所有数字(共计 \(cnt\) 个)全部拿走,并获得 \(x\cdot cnt\) 得分。求最终最多能够获得多少分?
\(1\le n\le 3\times 10^3\)